The Library Show

Monday, August 07, 2006

Blog Post 5: To Flock Or Not To Flock

Internet web browsers, like many things before this class, were something I took for granted. They (or rather it, as Internet Explorer was the only one I had personally used) were there, they searched, they returned search results, I entered web sites which they displayed, etc. I didn’t even think or wonder that they could do more, much more. I’ve started using Mozilla Firefox and have surprisingly found that there is a difference in browsers and I’ve enjoyed my time with firefox. Then I read an article in the Sun-Times last week about Flock and boy was my world turned upside down yet once again.

According to the article, Flock is a new search browser with capabilities other browsers can only hope for. The columnist, Andy Ihnatko sums up the browser in this way:
If there's a big, central idea behind Flock it's to build a browser that's aware of all of your other presences on the Web, and which can slavishly integrate them all into one consistent experience.
For example, Flock doesn’t just add a page to your favorites (which from my experience, you do manually), but instead will give the page a tag that can be added to a account. How handy is that?! Now anywhere Flock is used, you can add to instead of just from your personal computer.

Flock also makes posting to blogs (a huge hobby or requirement for many people today) as easy as a click of a button and also allows quick access to your Flickr account.
I was not able to play around with Flock myself as my sick computer (see previous posting Computerless=Lifeless?) has indeed bit the dust, but have gotten excited reading about it and can’t wait to try it for myself one day. Maybe by then more browsers will buck up and take note of users’ habits and wants and give them more of what they need.


Blogger Michael Doherty said...

Flock is awesome! I've been using it for about two months now and I absolutely love it. The feed aggregator is great and having everything integrated is so handy.

5:46 PM  
Blogger Librarian08 said...

Wow! This sounds awesome. I love how intuitive and connected many of the applications and programs that we are using are now becoming. I'm sure that this interconnectivity will only increase over the next few years. Until then, I can't wait to check this browser out-hopefully it's compatible with my finiky mac!

3:01 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Well it sounds like a great browser! I can't believe how many new things are out there. Of course, when everyone starts using something different another new browser will come around.

11:01 AM  
Blogger DebbieG. said...

I have never heard of Flock but after using the delicious account for our presentation, this sounds like something I would like to try out. Thanks for the info!

11:19 AM  

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